After much debate, it is now clear that leading semiconductor fabs will require 450mm capable systems to scale economically in the near future. However, 450mm systems are unlikely to go into volume production for many more years requiring tool vendors to continue to support existing platforms while simultaneously developing 450mm platforms. The result is a large, yet temporary, need for the tool vendor to increase their platform engineering staff. In addition, there are substantial differences between 300mm and 450mm SEMI standards which create significant risk of non-compliance.
Partnering with Owens Design for your 450mm platform will reduce internal staffing requirements while guaranteeing your platform is designed by experts with an extensive track record of developing semiconductor tools. In fact, Owens has developed more semiconductor metrology and inspection platforms that any other service provider. We guarantee that our design is compliant with SEMI 450mm standards. If it doesn't pass third party certification, we will fix it at our expense. Finally, partnering with a semiconductor platform expert for your 450mm development allows your staff to focus on scaling your core technology while continuing to support your existing production and legacy tools. Give Owens Design a call to learn more about how we can help ease your 450mm transition.